Ten ways to treat yourself easier

How to stop demanding too much from yourself and scold even for small failures? Ten steps to meet yourself.

Living in the modern world is not easy – a list of requirements that they make us at work, in the family, in society is growing every day. However, this does not mean that we should become even more demanding of ourselves, and perceive any mistake or failure as something unforgivable and impermissible. Praise yourself and treat yourself easier. Because you, like no one else, are good for a good relationship.

1. Correct mood

Start a day on a positive note. While going to work, repeat to yourself (or aloud) positive replicas. For example, “I am strong” or “I will succeed”. After a certain number of repetitions, you will believe in this, become stronger and stop doubting your successes.

2. Give yourself a day off

Dedest yourself regularly to yourself. Just engage in what you like. Sign up for spa treatments, go in for sports that you wanted to try for a long time, arrange a shopping marathon or go to meditation classes. Try to plan such a day in advance. Planning a pleasant event makes us happy 1



3. Stay alone with you

To be alone with oneself does not mean to might in solitude. Use solitude as an opportunity to recharge with energy and relax. “Only the most creative ideas come to the head, and productivity increases,” says Keith Sawyer, psychologist at Washington University in St. Louis.

4. Learn to say no “no”

Learn to think first of all about yourself. Don’t go to dinner with people you don’t want to meet. Honestly, when you are angry or annoyed, do not copy it in yourself. And, most importantly, take away from your life “toxic” people who deprive you of vitality and do not provide any support.

5. Meditation of loving kindness

Barbara Fredrickson, professor of psychophysiology and leading researcher of positive emotions of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill (USA), found that after seven weeks of meditation, the number of positive emotions, which, in turn, are sources of vitality. They increase immunity, give a feeling of calm, awareness and reduce the risk of depression to a minimum. In other words, love, pleasure, gratitude and hopes in your life become much more.

6. Summing up at the end of the day

Change the list of cases to the “list of committed cases”. To summarize the results of the day, not forgetting even the most seemingly insignificant events. Write down all the successes – got out for training, finished the report, received gratitude from the boss … If you constantly concentrate on the good, you will not have time to think about the bad.

7. Be kind to others

Treat the colleague of coffee, transfer money to a charitable account, prepare a delicious dinner for your loved one. A good attitude towards others makes you happier 2 and kinder.

8. Be a best friend for yourself

You will not tell a better friend or loved one that he is a fat, loser, does not know how? Then why do you allow yourself to speak with yourself? Treat yourself with love and respect, as well as your loved ones. Speak with you only with positive intonations. Love for oneself leads to a happy life. So appreciate yourself, take with all the shortcomings and flaws and be happy.

9. Say yourself compliments

The brain has the ability to fix on the negative, try not to allow this. Stand in front of the mirror every day and compliment. Yes, the complexion is not very good today, but what beautiful eyes you have! Praise yourself not only for the fact that you have a wonderful appearance, but, for example, for the fact that you are a faithful friend and a good listener.

10. Go to bed on time

Chronic lack of sleep does not affect the brain of the brain, undermines immunity and even worsens memory. Therefore, try not to stay at night and go to bed at the same time – the body will say thanks to you.

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